Anuario Migración y Remesas 2015 - page 113

Eldesplazamientodepersonasmenoresdeedaddatadevariosaños. Lascausasque
han originado sumigración son diversas, no obstante, la pobreza en los lugares de
origen es la constantequehadesembocadoquemenores busquen insertarse labo-
ralmente e intenten evadir la violencia que se ha tejido en sus comunidades. Otras
causas están relacionadas con la reunificación familiar o la tradiciónmigratoria. Sin
embargo, en losúltimosaños, lospeligrosycircunstanciasqueenfrentanensutrán-
sitoyenel crucede las fronterashaciael lugardedestinosehan recrudecido; situa-
ciónque se sumaa laaltavulnerabilidadque caracterizaaestegrupopoblacional.
Paraabordar el tema, eneste capítulo semuestran losdatosde los registros admi-
nistrativos deMéxico y Estados Unidos con respecto a losmenores repatriados a
su lugar deorigen, considerandoa los niños yadolescentes procedentes deMéxico
y Centroamérica. En este último grupo se identifican a quienes se han desplazado
desdeGuatemala, El Salvador yHonduras.
The displacement of minors dating back several years. The causes that have led
to their migration are diverse, however the poverty in the places of origin is the
constant that has led to underage children look ways to integrate themselves
into labor market and try to avoid the violence that has been woven into their
communities. Other causes are related to family reunification or immigration
tradition.However, in recentyears, thedangersandcircumstances they face in their
pathandcrossingborders into thedestinationhaveworsened; thissituationadds to
thehighvulnerability that characterizes thispopulationgroup.
To address this issue, this chapter details the administrative records of Mexico
and theUnitedStates are shownwith respect tominors repatriated to their home,
consideringchildrenandadolescents fromMexicoandCentralAmerica. In the latter
groupare identified tohavemoved fromGuatemala, El Salvador andHonduras.
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