Anuario Migración y Remesas 2015 - page 173

Concesiónde lanacionalidadporunEstadoaunextranjeromediante
un acto formal individual. El derecho internacional no prevé normas
detalladas relativasa lanaturalización, pero reconoce lacompetencia
que lo solicitan. Fuente:OIM.
Otrosgruposopersonasde interésdelACNUR
Se refierea laspersonasquenosonapatriados, refugiados, solicitan-
tes de asiloodesplazados, peroque el ACNUR les ofreceprotección
y/oasistenciapormotivos especiales, humanitarios uotros. Fuente:
Basadoenel ACNUR.
Personaqueseencuentra fueradesupaísdenacimientoo residencia
habitual, y tiene fundados temoresde ser perseguidapormotivosde
raza, religión, nacionalidad, pertenenciaadeterminadogruposocial u
opinionespolíticas. Fuente: ACNUR.
Refugiados retornados
Sonpersonas refugiadasquehan regresadodemaneraorganizadaa
su país de origen o lugar de residencia habitual, pero aún no se han
integrado de forma plena. Tal regreso normalmente se efectúa en
condiciones de voluntariedad, seguridad y dignidad. Fuente: Basado
enel ACNUR.
Transferencias enefectivooespecie, realizadas desdeotropaís, que
reciben individuosuhogares. Fuente: Basadoen FMI.
Transferenciasmonetarias realizadas de un país a otro para ser en-
tregadaspor, oennombrede, un remitenteaun individuouhogar en
el país receptor. Fuente: Basadoen FMI.
Transferenciaen formadebieneso servicios. Fuente: BasadoenFMI.
Medida administrativa dictada por la autoridad migratoria median-
te la cual se devuelve a una persona extranjera a su país de origen.
Fuente: BasadoenUPM.
Granting by a state of its nationality to an alien through a formal
act on the application of the individual concerned. International law
does not provide detailed rules for naturalization, but it recognizes
the competence of every state to naturalize those who are not its
nationalsandwhoapply tobecome so. Source: IOM.
Othergroupsorpersonsof interest toUNHCR
This refers to people who are not stateless, refugees, asylum
seekersordisplacedpersons, but theUNHCRoffersprotectionand/
or assistance for special reasons, whether humanitarian or other.
Person who is outside their native country or habitual residence,
and has grounds to fear persecution for reasons of race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular social grouping or political
opinions. Source: UNHCR.
Returned refugees
Refugees who have returned in an organized manner to their
country of origin or habitual place of residence, but have not fully
integrated. This return isnormallycarriedout voluntarily, safelyand
inadignifiedmanner. Source: BasedonUNHCR.
Transfers in cash or kind, made from another country, received by
individualsor households. Source: Basedon IMF.
Cash remittances
Money transferred from one country to another to be delivered by
the sender, or in their name, to an individual or household in the
receiving country. Source: Basedon the IMF.
Remittances inkind
Transfers in the formof goodsor services. Source: Basedon the IMF.
Administrativemeasuredictatedby themigrationauthority through
whicha foreignperson is returned to their countryof origin. Source:
Basedon theMPU.
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