Migración y Salud. Inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos: 10 años de perspectiva - page 177

Source: ProducedbyCONAPObasedondata fromCenters forDiseaseControl (CDC)andPreventionand theNational
Center forHealthStatistics (NCHS), National Vital StatisticsSystem (NVSS), Deaths, 2002-2010.
Figure72. Infantmortality rate (<1yearold) in theUnitedStatesbyoriginandethnicity
or race, 2002-2004y2008-2010
The four leading causes of death among chil-
drenunderoneyearofage in theUnitedStatesduring
theperiod2008-2010arecongenital anomalies, pre-
maturebirthor lowbirthweight, complicationsduring
pregnancy and sudden infant death syndrome. There
is a higher prevalence of these four factors among
AfricanAmericans, while theHispanic population has
higher rates than the non-Hispanic white population
for congenital anomalies and premature birth or low
birthweight (140 and 87 death per 100000 births,
as opposed to121and73, respectively). In contrast,
for complicationsduringpregnancyandsudden infant
death syndrome, the non-Hispanic white population
has higher rates than the Hispanic population (32
and53deathsper 100000, compared to31 inboth,
respectively) (Figure73).
In2011, theHispanicpopulationhada life
expectancyat birthof 81.4years
Life expectancy at birth has increased across all
the population groups since 2006. In 2011 the His-
panic population had a life expectancy of 81.4 years,
2.6 years more than that of the non-Hispanic white
population and 6.5 years higher than that of non-
HispanicAfricanAmericans (Figure74). Thedifference
between lifeexpectancyofHispanicsandnon-Hispanic
whites is known as theHispanic paradox.
chapter iv •
fertility and mortality among the hispanic population
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