Migración y Salud. Inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos: 10 años de perspectiva - page 171

The total fertility rate among Mexican women
fell byalmostonechild, from2.9childrenperwomen in
2004 to2.1 in2011, adecrease that seemexcessive,
and that need greater studies to explain it. The only
group that showed an increasewasCentral and South
Americans, where rates rose from 2.6 to 2.8 children
perwoman (Figure65).
Mexicanmothers have reduced their fertility
for theperiod2004-2011
The general fertility rate of Mexican women dropped
considerably, from105 livebirthsper1,000women in
2004 to73 in2011. Conversely, the rateamongCen-
tral andSouthAmericanwomen increased from87 to
96 livebirthsover thesameperiod.Amongnon-Hispa-
nic African American and non-Hispanic white women
the trendwasmore stable (Figure64).
Source: ProducedbyCONAPObasedondata fromCenters forDiseaseControl (CDC)andPreventionand theNational
Center forHealthStatistics (NCHS), National Vital StatisticsSystem (NVSS), Births, 2012.
Figure64. General fertility rate in theUnitedStates, byoriginandethnicityor race
ofmother, 2004-2011
chapter iv •
fertility and mortality among the hispanic population
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