Migración y Salud. Inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos: 10 años de perspectiva - page 123

Source: Migration Policy Bureau, SEGOB, based on U.S. Census Bureau,
Current Population Survey
(CPS), for March
2004and2013. IntegratedPublicUseMicrodataSeries (IPUMS)USA,Minneapolis: UniversityofMinnesota.
Figure12. PopulationofUnitedStateswithout health insurance,
by regionof originandethnicityor race, 2004and2013
1/Recent arrivals: under 10years in theUSA.
2/Long-term residents: 10yearsormore in theUSA.
Source: Migration Policy Bureau, SEGOB, based onU.S. Census Bureau,
Current Population Survey
(CPS), fromMarch
2013. IntegratedPublicUseMicrodataSeries (IPUMS)USA,Minneapolis: UniversityofMinnesota.
Figure13. Immigrant population in theUnitedStateswithout health insurance,
byperiodof arrival in the country, basedon regionof origin, 2013
chapter i i •
access to health insurance and service use
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