Observatorio de Migración Internacional Y Movilidades Humanas

Observatorio de Migración Internacional Y Movilidades Humanas



Jueves 1 de junio de 2023 Voz de América Centros de procesamientos en Guatemala comenzarán a aceptar citas de migrantes el 12 de junio Los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y Guatemala llegaron a un acuerdo para establecer la apertura de los centros de procesamiento en dicho país en una “fase piloto” de seis meses.

La Casa Blanca anunció el jueves que los centros de procesamiento que ubicarán en Guatemala comenzarán a aceptar citas de personas interesadas en acceder a rutas legales de migración a partir del 12 de junio.
Política Migratoria
Centros de procesamiento
Citas para migrantes
Solicitantes de asilo Centroamérica
Jueves 1 de junio de 2023 Voz de América Debaten el DACA ante juez de EEUU que inicialmente falló en contra Una versión revisada de una norma federal que impide la deportación de cientos de miles de inmigrantes llevados a Estados Unidos cuando eran niños se debate el jueves ante un juez federal que anteriormente sentenció que el programa era ilegal Política Migratoria
Inmigrantes beneficiarios de DACA América del Norte
Estados Unidos
Viernes 2 de junio de 2023 Voz de América EEUU amplía número de citas para solicitar asilo en la app CBP One Las autoridades estadounidenses ampliaron el jueves los espacios para solicitar asilo en los cruces terrestres con México a través de la aplicación móvil CBP One por segunda vez en menos de un mes, buscando disipar las dudas de que no es una opción viable.
Ahora hay 1.250 citas en ocho cruces terrestres, frente a las 1.000 anteriores y las 740 a principios de mayo.
Política Migratoria
Solicitudes de Asilo
CBP one
Solicitantes de asilo América del Norte
Estados Unidos
Viernes 2 de junio de 2023 La Jornada Vive Florida Un Día sin Migrantes; repudian ley contra indocumentados Immokalee. Trabajadores en todo Florida se ausentaron ayer de obras de construcción y campos de cultivo, mientras numerosos restaurantes, tiendas y pequeñas empresas cerraron durante la movilización Un Día sin Migrantes, que se llevó a cabo en protesta contra una nueva ley estatal promulgada por el gobernador y aspirante presidencial republicano, Ron DeSantis.
La legislación entrará en vigor el 1º de julio, e impone restricciones para los inmigrantes sin papeles, que incluyen retirarles los servicios sociales.
Política migratoria
Un día sin migrantes
Migrantes irregulares América del Norte
Florida, Estados Unidos
Martes 6 de junio de 2023 Excelsior El fin del Título 42: una crisis migratoria que no fue El pasado 11 de mayo, el gobierno de Estados Unidos decidió poner fin a la emergencia de salud pública por covid-19. Dicha decisión terminó también con la política migratoria conocida como Título 42, que desde mayo del 2020 limitaba el acceso de personas migrantes o solicitantes de asilo a EU. Ante el fin de dicha política, la opinión pública auguraba un éxodo masivo de personas migrantes que se traduciría en una situación caótica en la frontera de México con EU. Dicha crisis no sucedió. Política migratoria
Título 42
Migrantes irregulares
Solicitantes de asilo
América del Norte
Estados Unidos
Lunes 19 de junio de 2023 La Jornada México ya es destino, no país de paso de miles de migrantes Tres mil 152 kilómetros de frontera entre México y Estados Unidos bastan para que nuestro país sea un imán que atrae a miles de personas de otras nacionalidades, quienes llegan con la intención de que esta sea la última parada antes de cruzar, de manera irregular o regular, en busca de una vida mejor en la primera potencia de América. En su paso, muchos se quedan en territorio mexicano al verlo como una nación alternativa y piden refugio porque no tienen manera de continuar con el plan A. Política migratoria
Solicitudes de Refugio
Migración regular e irregular América del Norte
Sábado 24 de junio de 2023 La Jornada EU centrará las deportaciones en migrantes de alto riesgo Washington. La Suprema Corte de Estados Unidos otorgó ayer una clara victoria al gobierno del presidente Joe Biden al autorizar una política de deportación centrada en migrantes considerados riesgo para la seguridad pública, que fueron detenidos en la frontera o con condenas penales graves.
Esta sentencia permite la entrada en vigor de una directiva adoptada en septiembre de 2021 por el secretario de Seguridad Interior, Alejandro Mayorkas, que reclamaba a la Policía de Migración centrar sus esfuerzos en los extranjeros que supongan una amenaza terrorista o delictiva y los que arribaron al país después del 1º de noviembre de 2020.
Política migratoria
Suprema Corte de Estados Unidos
Migrantes irregulares América del Norte
Estados Unidos
Domingo 25 de junio de 2023 La Jornada Más de 650 venezolanos llegaron a Nuevo Laredo Tres grupos de migrantes venezolanos arribaron durante viernes y sábado a Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, para solicitar asilo en Estados Unidos; suman más de 650 personas, entre hombres, mujeres y niños.
Aunque en esta ubicación la Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de Estados Unidos mantiene suspendido el programa de citas CBP One, a través del Título 8 se están recibiendo grupos hasta de 20 solicitantes.
Política migratoria
Migrantes venezolanos solicitantes de asilo América del Norte
Frontera México-Estados Unidos
Lunes 26 de junio de 2023 El Economista Pagan a coyotes más de $120,000 para llegar a EU Según los resultados proporcionados por la Encuesta sobre Migración a la Frontera Norte de México, los hombres desembolsaron, en promedio, alrededor de 6,565 dólares en pago a traficantes para intentar cruzar hacia los Estados Unidos; mientras que, para las mujeres, el costo promedio durante el año pasado fue de 7,839 dólares. Tráfico de personas migrantes
Migrantes irregulares América del Norte
Frontera México-Estados Unidos
Jueves 29 de junio de 2023 El País La migración vista como una gran oportunidad para el desarrollo América Latina es la región que actualmente registra los mayores flujos migratorios en el mundo. Entender y atender estos movimientos traerá beneficios para los países de acogida y para quienes dejan sus países en busca de nuevos horizontes Migración y desarrollo
Flujos migratorios
Migrantes regulares e irregulares, solicitantes de asilo América Latina


Wednesday June 7, 2023 NPR To keep immigrants from fleeing, Florida GOP focus on immigration law loopholes Florida Republicans who voted to pass the state's imminent anti-immigration law are trying to curb a potentially disastrous mass exodus of undocumented residents by touting the legislation's many "loopholes."
GOP Rep. Rick Roth, a third generation farmer, told NPR on Tuesday that state Senate Bill 1718, which goes into effect on July 1, was designed to "scare migrants." But he admitted that he and his colleagues were unprepared for the destabilization it would cause among the state's more established immigrant communities.
Irregular migrants North America, Florida, United States
Friday June 9, 2023 The Guardian EU agrees radical reforms on migration and asylum laws The EU has agreed radical reforms of its migration and asylum laws including charges of €20,000 (£17,200) per head for member countries that refuse to host refugees.
After almost 12 hours of intense negotiations in Luxembourg, and years of fighting, interior ministers struck a deal on Thursday on what they described as a “historical” new approach to what one politician described as an often “toxic topic”.
Maria Malmer Stenergard, who was part of the Swedish lead negotiating team, said: “I didn’t really believe I would be sitting here saying this … but we have adopted general approaches on the asylum and migration management regulation and asylum procedure regulation.”
Immigration Policy
Migration and Asylum
Irregular migrants
Asylum seekers
European Union
Friday June 9, 2023 CNN White House ramps up efforts to slow migration in the hemisphere, capitalizing on low border crossings
Biden administration officials are doubling down on efforts to stem the flow of migrants journeying to the US-Mexico border, capitalizing on nearly a month of low border crossings in the wake of the lifting of a Covid-era restriction.
The handling of the US southern border has dogged President Joe Biden over the course of his presidency, starting with an influx of unaccompanied migrant children just weeks into his administration and followed by thousands of primarily Haitian migrants who gathered under a bridge along the Texas-Mexico border.
It’s a political vulnerability for Biden, as the 2024 presidential election kicks into gear and Republican presidential candidates attack his border policies on the campaign trail. House Republicans are also making the issue a centerpiece, as they push forward with potential impeachment proceedings of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
Immigration Policy
Irregular migrants
Asylum seekers
North America, United States
Thursday June 15, 2023 CNN At least 78 people drown after migrant boat sinks off Greek coast At least 78 people died after a migrant boat carrying hundreds of people sank off the Greek coast in the early hours of Wednesday, that country’s Coast Guard said, as fears mount that there could be more fatalities.

A total of 104 migrants who were traveling on the boat have since been rescued from the water and transferred to the city of Kalamata.
Migrant Protection
Migrant deaths
Irregular migrants
Asylum seekers
Kalamata, Greece
Saturday June 17, 2023 CNN Mexico plans to launch an asylum processing app next week Rosa Flores By Rosa Flores, CNN
Mexico is launching a new app to speed up its asylum process amid record levels of asylum seekers, even after a similar US app came under fierce criticism for glitches and difficulty of use.
Andrés Ramírez, head of Mexico’s refugee assistance agency (COMAR) told CNN he believed an app was necessary in order to manage an overwhelming number of asylum requests in Mexico City.
The new app – called simply the “pre-registration system” – will allow individuals to register their intent to seek asylum online and is hoped to speed up processing. It is expected to launch next week in Mexico City only, with other areas expected to be added at a later date, according to Ramírez.
Immigration Policy
Increase in asylum applications
New asylum processing app
Asylum seekers
North America, Mexico
Sunday June 18, 2023 CBP CBP Releases June 2023 Monthly Update WASHINGTON – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) today released operational statistics for June 2023, which show a significant and continuing decline in migrant encounters along the Southwest border as well as successful drug interdiction efforts resulting from new enforcement initiatives. CBP’s total encounters along the Southwest border in June were the lowest in over two years, dropping nearly a third from May. Encounters statistics Irregular migrants
Asylum seekers
North America, Southwest Border, United States
Wednesday June 21, 2023 The Texas Tribune Hispanics officially make up the biggest share of Texas’ population, new census numbers show White people had been the state’s largest population group since at least 1850. Sometime in 2022, the Hispanic population surpassed them, new data shows.
[...] the U.S. Census Bureau updated its official population estimates. In new figures released Thursday, the bureau confirmed Latinos have made up the largest share of the state’s population since at least July 2022. The new population figures show Hispanic Texans made up 40.2% of the state’s population last summer, barely edging out non-Hispanic white Texans, who made up 39.8%.
Demographic Statistics Resident Migrants North America, Texas,United States
Thursday June 22, 2023 Los Angeles Times Latinx Files: As immigration stunts continue, Los Angeles responds Last week, a bus containing 42 asylum seekers arrived in Los Angeles from McAllen, Texas. The trip was arranged at the direction of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, his latest act of political theater orchestrated to score points against President Biden and Democrats over a so-called open border policy that doesn’t actually exist.
[...]Los Angeles lived up to its reputation of being a city of immigrants and welcomed the bused asylum seekers with open arms. As my colleagues reported, city agencies and nonprofit organizations coordinated in providing aid, turning St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church in Chinatown into a triage center.
Immigration Policy
Sanctuary cities
Irregular migrants
Asylum seekers
North America, Los Angeles,
McAllen Texas,United States
Thursday June 22, 2023 The Hill Eleven years of DACA [...]
Eleven years ago, the DACA program was born out of the tireless advocacy of immigrant youth who were weary of living in the shadows, constantly fearing deportation and determined to gain some level of protection after decades of congressional inaction around immigration.
Since its creation in 2012, DACA has become the zenith of President Obama’s complicated immigration legacy. It is a wildly successful administrative relief policy that has empowered hundreds of thousands of young people to continue contributing to our country and economy. For the more than 600,000 young people currently with temporary work authorizations and protections from deportations, DACA has been nothing short of life-changing.
DACA DACA recipient North America, United States
Tuesday June 27, 2023 UN News Legal protection essential for people displaced by climate change: UN expert An independent UN-appointed climate expert on Tuesday called for full legal protection to be given to those displaced by the impacts of climate change, to guarantee their human rights.
“The effects of climate change are becoming more severe, and the number of people displaced across international borders is rapidly increasing,” said Ian Fry, independent human rights expert on climate change, who took up the new post last year.
“In 2020 alone, 30.7 million people were displaced from their homes due to weather-related events. Droughts were the main factor,” Mr. Fry said in his latest thematic report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. “We must take immediate steps to give legal protection to these people.”
Human Rights Climate change
Legal protection
Displaced people Worldwide